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AIS V2 (Revised Annex B) and Centralised Clearance Phases 1 and 2

  1. Overview
  2. How to prepare your business for changes
  3. What will change under the upgrade of AIS V2 and Introduction of CCI?

What will change under the upgrade of AIS V2 and Introduction of CCI?

AIS V2 and CCI will result in the following changes:

  • A new data set for the Import Declaration, as specified under the Union Customs Code and aligned with the Revised Annex B. While most of the information needed to complete your Import, declaration is the same as the data previously, there will be a significant number of new data elements. Details are contained in Import Message Structures document.
  • The Import declaration will look different with ‘Data Elements now broken out into single lines for each entry of data.
  • The IM433 Presentation Notification Rejection message will now be known as the IM933 message.
  • The IM462 Request Declaration Amendment message will now be known as the IM962 message.
  • IM099 General Notification and Request Information some instances will be replaced by the IM460 Control Notice message.
  • The business rules will become aligned with UCC business rules.
  • Introduction of the G5 Arrival notification in case of movement of goods under temporary storage.

CCI Phase 1 and Phase 2 contains many of the same message types as in AIS, but also introduces:

  • additional business rules
  • and
  • a number of new messages.

If you require further information, please email