Home Carer Tax Credit
Home Carer Tax Credit rates
The Home Carer Tax Credit rate is €1,950 for 2025. To check rates for previous years, please see the Tax rates, bands and reliefs charts.
If you earn less than €7,200, you can claim the full tax credit available. The amount you earn does not include Carer's Allowance, from the Department of Social Protection (DSP).
If you earn more than €7,200, you will receive a reduced tax credit. In this case, the total tax credits available will be reduced by one half of the difference between your income and €7,200.
If your income is €11,100 or more during 2024, you cannot claim the tax credit.
Home Carer Tax Credit sliding scale
If your income exceeds €7,200, the difference between your actual income and €7,200 is calculated and then halved. The Home Carer Tax Credit is then reduced by that amount. The following table gives examples of how the tax credit is calculated for different levels of income.
Examples of how the tax credit is calculated for different levels of income
Income of home carer | Difference between income and €7,200 | Half of difference | Reduced tax credit |
€7,200 |
€7,200 - €7,200 = €0 |
€0 |
€1,950 - €0 = €1,950 |
€7,450 |
€7,450 - €7,200 = €250 |
€250 ÷ 2 = €125 |
€1,950 - €125 = €1,825 |
€7,700 |
€7,700 - €7,200 = €500 |
€500 ÷ 2 = €250 |
€1,950 - €250 = €1,700 |
€7,950 |
€7,950 - €7,200 = €750 |
€750 ÷ 2 = €375 |
€1,950 - €375 = €1,575 |
€8,200 |
€8,200 - €7,200 = €1,000 |
€1,000 ÷ 2 = €500 |
€1,950 - €500 = €1,450 |
€8,450 |
€8,450 - €7,200 = €1,250 |
€1,250 ÷ 2 = €625 |
€1,950 - €625 = €1,325 |
€8,700 |
€8,700 - €7,200 = €1,500 |
€1,500 ÷ 2 = €750 |
€1,950 - €750 = €1,200 |
€8,950 |
€8,950 - €7,200 = €1,750 |
€1,750 ÷ 2 = €875 |
€1,950 - €875 = €1,075 |
€9,200 |
€9,200 - €7,200 = €2,000 |
€2,000 ÷ 2 = €1,000 |
€1,950 - €1,000 = €950 |
€9,450 |
€9,450 - €7,200 = €2,250 |
€2,250 ÷ 2 = €1,125 |
€1,950 - €1,125 = €825 |
€9,700 |
€9,700 - €7,200 = €2,500 |
€2,500 ÷ 2 = €1,250 |
€1,950 - €1,250 = €700 |
€9,950 |
€9,950 - €7,200 = €2,750 |
€2,750 ÷ 2 = €1,375 |
€1,950 - €1,375 = €575 |
€10,200 |
€10,200 - €7,200 = €3,000 |
€3,000 ÷ 2 = €1,500 |
€1,950 - €1,500 = €450 |
€10,450 |
€10,450 - €7,200 = €3,250 |
€3,250 ÷ 2 = €1,625 |
€1,950 - €1,625 = €325 |
€10,700 |
€10,700 - €7,200 = €3,500 |
€3,500 ÷ 2 = €1,7500 |
€1,950 - €1,750 = €200 |
€11,100 |
€11,100 - €7,200 = €3,900 |
€3,900 ÷ 2 = €1,950 |
€1,950 - €1,950 = €0 |
Next: Home Carer Tax Credit and your spouse or civil partner