Rent-a-Room Relief

What type of residence qualifies?

Sole or main residence

Your main residence is your home for most of the year and where friends would expect to find you. You do not have to own the property to claim relief.

The room or rooms must be in a residential property that is located in Ireland. You must use it as your main residence during the tax year.

Self-contained unit

The rented room or rooms can be a self-contained unit within the house, such as a basement flat or a converted garage.

If this unit is not attached to the property it cannot qualify for the relief.

Business use or guest accommodation

Your tenants must use the room on a long-term basis. You cannot claim relief on rooms that are used for commercial purposes.


Short-term stays provided through bed and breakfasts, a guesthouse or online-booking sites do not qualify for relief.

Next: How is Rent-A-Room Relief applied?