Information reported in respect of sellers under DAC7/MRDP


Ireland has agreements in place under the Model Reporting Rules for Digital Platform Operators (MRDP) with Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Platform Operators are required to report sellers resident in or renting property in these jurisdictions.

Platform operators must file an annual return with Revenue on reportable sellers that carried out relevant activities on their platform in the previous year. Revenue will also receive details in respect of Irish sellers using platforms in other Member States or Partner Jurisdictions annually.

Taxation obligations of sellers using online platforms


DAC7/MRDP did not introduce any new tax obligations for sellers carrying out relevant activities.

If you operate through digital platforms, your tax obligations are the same as if you were operating in any other sector of the economy. You must declare additional income earned. In certain circumstances, sellers may be subject to tax on the income they earned while carrying out relevant activities through digital platforms.

Tax on sale of goods

Income Tax generally applies to the profits that a person earns from selling goods or supplying services in the course of a trade. The important aspects to this are that:

  • individuals selling personal items which are no longer required are unlikely to be carrying on a trade
  • and
  • Income Tax is not chargeable on the consideration received for goods sold, but on the profits earned. This means that, in computing taxable profits, a deduction can be claimed for the cost of the goods sold and other appropriate expenses.

Individual sellers

If you are an individual seller and a Pay As You Earn (PAYE) employee, you may be taxed on any non-PAYE income earned through the platform. You must declare additional profits earned from selling through online platforms by submitting an Income Tax Return using myAccount.

You must register for self-assessment if:

  • your taxable non-PAYE income exceeds €5,000
  • or
  • your gross non-PAYE income exceeds €30,000.

For further information on declaring extra income earned, please see is your extra income taxable?

Value-Added Tax (VAT)

In relation to VAT, where the income received exceeds the registration thresholds, the person must register for VAT. The current registration thresholds are:

  • €40,000 for the supply of services
  • and
  • €80,000 for the supply of goods.

Next: Sellers that do not have reporting obligations under DAC7/MRDP