Binding Tariff Information (BTI)

How to apply for Binding Tariff Information (BTI)

You should submit your BTI applications electronically on the eBTI system. You can access the eBTI system through the EU Trader Portal.

Before you apply for BTI, you must have:

  • a Revenue Online Service (ROS) Digital Certificate to access the EU Trader Portal. You will find information about obtaining a ROS certificate in Guide to ROS.
  • an Economic Operator Registration and Identifier (EORI) Number.
  • a full description of your product. This should give enough information to identify the product being classified for customs purposes.
  • and
  • be registered for Customs and Excise on ROS.

 You will find information about:

  • how to complete a BTI application in information on applying for a BTI
  • and
  • how to complete the electronic BTI application process in eCustoms Notification 015/2019.

Next: Using Binding Tariff Information (BTI)