Private use of employer provided vehicles

How to calculate the taxable benefit

You will need to calculate the ‘cash equivalent’ of your employee’s private use of the employer provided car. This is the amount that you will add to your employee's pay.

The cash equivalent can be reduced by any contribution your employee makes directly to you towards the running cost of the car.

For the years up to 2022, the cash equivalent was a percentage of the Original Market Value (OMV) of the car. The percentage was based on the amount of mileage for business purposes.

From 1 January 2023, a CO2 emissions based benefit in kind (BIK) regime for employer provided cars applies. The amount taxable as BIK is determined by the car’s OMV, the annual business kilometres driven and the CO2 emissions based bands. The number of mileage bands is reduced from five to four.

For 2023, 2024 and 2025, a reduction of €10,000 can be applied to the OMV of cars in categories A, B, C and D. The reduction is not applicable to cars in category E.

The reduction of €10,000 to the OMV is in addition to the relief of €35,000 for electric vehicles for 2023, 2024 and 2025.

For 2023, 2024 and 2025, the lower limit in the highest mileage band is reduced by 4,000 km to 48,001 km.

Calculating the OMV

The OMV is the cost of the car in Ireland prior to its first registration, including all Irish taxes and duties. Generally, this is the list price of the vehicle at the time of first registration including:

The OMV is to be used, even if you purchased the car second-hand.

OMV of imported cars

If you imported the car, any foreign taxes and duties applicable should be ignored.

Effect of a purchase discount on OMV

If you received a discount when you purchased the vehicle, you may reduce the OMV to reflect the discount received. The maximum discount is usually the amount an ordinary customer would receive when buying one car in a dealership. This amount typically does not exceed 10%.

Higher discounts may be available where you can prove they would have been available to an ordinary retail customer. In cases of doubt, you can agree in advance the level of discount with your Revenue Office.

How to calculate the cash equivalent

For 2023, 2024 and 2025, to calculate the cash equivalent use of an employer provided car in categories A,B,C and D, you:

  • deduct €10,000 from the OMV
  • and
  • multiply by the applicable vehicle category percentage.

For the years up to 2022, please refer to Tax and Duty Manual part 05-01-01b

To determine the applicable percentage, you need to:

  • establish your vehicle's category based on the amount of CO2 g/km the vehicle produces from Table B below
  • and
  • compare the annual business mileage travelled for the year to determine the applicable percentage from Table A below.

Table B

Vehicle CategoryCO2 Emissions (CO2 g/km)


 0g/km up to and including 59g/km


 More than 59g/km up to and including 99g/km


 More than 99g/km up to and including 139g/km


 More than 139g/km up to and including 179g/km


 More than 179g/km

Table A

Business mileageApplicable percentage per vehicle Categories

lower limit (kilometres (km)

Upper limit (kilometres (km)

Vehicle category A

Vehicle category B

Vehicle category C

Vehicle category D

 Vehicle category E























And above






*Applies to 2023, 2024 and 2025 years of assessment only.

You should review notional pay regularly (at least quarterly) to ensure the payments reported to Revenue are as accurate as possible.

The cash equivalent can be reduced by any contribution your employee makes directly to you towards the running costs of the car.

Your employee may not have documents proving business or private kilometres driven in a year. Where this happens, you may assume 8,000km are private kilometres.

Employee contributions towards cost

Your employee may pay towards the running costs of the car. You can deduct the amount they pay from the cash equivalent. The reduction can only be applied if your employee pays the amount directly to you.

Employee contribution to the purchase of the car

Your employee might make a lump sum contribution towards the purchase of an employer provided car. The amount contributed reduces the cash equivalent in the first year.

Next: Employees with low business kilometres