Second or multiple jobs

  1. Overview
  2. What to do if you get a second job
  3. Splitting tax credits and rate bands between jobs

Splitting tax credits and rate bands between jobs

You can:

  • leave all your tax credits, tax rate band and Universal Social Charge (USC) rate band with your main job
  • divide your tax credits, tax rate band and USC rate band between your jobs in any way you want
  • or
  • transfer any unused tax credits, tax rate band and USC rate band to your other job(s).

Splitting your tax credits and rate bands between jobs will not change the total amount of tax you have to pay. It can ensure that you:

  • pay an even amount of tax in each job
  • and
  • get the full benefit of your tax credits and rate bands during the year.

How to split your tax credits and rate bands between jobs

There is a facility in 'Manage your tax for the current year' in the 'PAYE Services' section of myAccount that will allow you to  split your tax credits. In 'Manage your tax for the current year', you will see how your tax credits and rate band are currently allocated. To change this:

  1. Click ‘edit’ above where the employments are listed.
  2. Enter your estimated gross salary from these employments. (Your credits and rate band will be split based on these figures.)
  3. Select:
    • ‘Proceed With Recommendation’, if you are happy with this allocation.
    • 'Proceed with Different Recommendation', if you would like to make additional changes.

Alternatively, you can submit your estimated gross salary for each employment through MyEnquires. Your tax credits and rate band will be split in the most beneficial way for you.


Some tax credits or deductions such as flat-rate expenses cannot be split as they are given only for specific jobs.

The following examples show how your tax credits and rate band can be used to suit your circumstances. (USC is not included in the calculations.) The examples are based on a single person claiming basic tax credits. You may be entitled to more tax credits. If you are married, or in a civil partnership, and taxed under joint assessment, your tax credits and rate band will differ.

For further information, please see our Personal tax credits section.