Universal Social Charge (USC)

Other rates of USC

Non-Pay As You Earn (non-PAYE) income above €100,000

There is a USC surcharge of 3% if your non-PAYE income is more than €100,000 a year.

Certain bank bonuses

A 45% USC rate applies to the full amount of certain bank bonuses.

This will apply to you if you are an employee of financial institutions that received financial support from the Government, including:

  • Allied Irish Bank
  • Anglo Irish Bank
  • Bank of Ireland
  • Educational Building Society
  • and
  • Irish Nationwide Building Society.

If your bonus payments are €20,000 or less in a year, the standard rates of USC apply.

Property relief surcharge

An additional 5% rate of USC applies to taxable income that is ‘sheltered’ by certain property or area-based incentive reliefs. This includes all of the property-based capital allowances and the relief for residential lessors known as Section 23 Relief. The surcharge applies to:

  • capital allowances made in, or carried forward to, the tax year 2012 and any later tax year
  • and
  • any losses carried forward to 2012, or a later year, that are due to Section 23 Relief.

The property relief surcharge does not apply if your gross income is less than €100,000.

Next: Calculating your USC