Since Thursday 14 April 2022 the Revenue offices in River House, Charlottes Quay, Limerick has relocated to Sarsfield House, Francis Street, Limerick.

If you require assistance with your tax affairs, the quickest and easiest way for you to manage these is by using our online services myAccount or ROS.

You can also contact us using the following:


PAYE Jobs & Pensions Helpline 01 7383636

National Self Assessed Business Tax Helpline 01 7383630

Local Property Tax (LPT) Helpline 01 7383626

Call charges may vary depending on your telephone provider's service contract.

Telephone opening hours: 09.30 to 13.30 (Monday to Friday).

LPT Helpline opening hours 09.30 to 16.00


Please use the secure 'MyEnquiries' service available in myAccount or ROS.

Postal address

Revenue Commissioners
Sarsfield House
Francis Street
V94 R972.