Who can access the eRegistration service?


Tax registrations may be managed online by:

Please note that access to eRegistration is unavailable to certain applicants, as outlined below. Applicants in these categories should continue to submit paper applications to their Revenue office. These applicants include:

  • individuals currently not eligible to register for myAccount
  • non-assessable spouses
  • companies that have no Irish-resident directors
  • unincorporated bodies and non-profit organisations (for example, schools and Boards of Management) which are not represented by an agent
  • charities which are not represented by an agent
  • executors who are not represented by an agent
  • trusts which are not represented by an agent
  • and
  • collection agents.


Access to myAccount is currently restricted to those who have previously received a customer registration number from Revenue.

Next: What services are available in eRegistration