Rent Tax Credit
The Rent Tax Credit is available for the tax years 2022 to 2025. The Rent Tax Credit reduces the amount of Income Tax that you are due to pay for a tax year.
To benefit from the Rent Tax Credit, you must have an Income Tax liability to offset against it.
You can now claim your Rent Tax Credit for the 2024 tax year on your Income Tax Return. For further information on claiming the credit, please see the 'How to claim' page.
The amount of Rent Tax Credit you can claim will be calculated for you when you submit your claim. This amount will depend on the amount of:
- rent you pay
- and
- Income Tax you pay.
Rent means the amount you pay for use of the property. It does not include any amount you pay for extra services such as utilities, board or laundry. You should exclude any amount you pay for these services when calculating the rent you pay.
For 2022 and 2023, the maximum value of the Rent Tax Credit is €1,000 per year for jointly assessed married couples or civil partners. The maximum value is €500 in all other cases, including single persons.
For 2024 and 2025, the maximum value of the Rent Tax Credit is €2,000 per year for jointly assessed married couples or civil partners. The maximum value is €1,000 in all other cases, including single persons. This is the case no matter how many properties you pay rent for during the year.
Subject to a number of conditions, the Rent Tax Credit may be available where you pay rent for:
- your principal private residence
- another property you use to facilitate your attendance at work or on an approved course
- or
- a property used by your child to facilitate their attendance on an approved course.
The conditions which apply relate to the:
- location and use of the rental property
- type of tenancy
- relationship between you, or your child, and the landlord
- and
- age of your child and the type of course they are attending, where relevant.
Next: Qualifying conditions for all claimants