Hannah and James are married and are jointly assessed. Hannah is the assessable spouse. Hannah is 65 and James is 67. Their total income for 2025 is €37,480.
Hannah and James have triplets who are currently in university. As a result, their exemption limit is increased as follows:
As their adjusted exemption limit is over their jointly assessed total income for 2025, and at least one of them is aged 65 or older, their income is exempt from Income Tax.
This exemption applies to Income Tax only. Hannah may still have to pay PRSI on her income as she is under 66. James may still have to pay PRSI on his income as he is aged between 66 and 70. This depends on whether he has accessed any Department of Social Welfare pension entitlements and whether he had already reached 66 years of age by 1 January 2024. Please see Changes to Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI) for more information on this.
Both Hannah and James may also be subject to the USC, which is calculated separately from Income Tax.