Revenue eBrief No. 183/24

01 July 2024

Tax Equalisation Arrangements

Tax and Duty Manual Part 02-04-01 - Tax Equalisation Arrangements - has been updated as follows:

  • Paragraph 5 (at step 2) has been updated to state that employers are required to ensure that payroll submissions under shadow payroll arrangements are accurate and reviewed for accuracy on an ongoing basis.
  • The example in paragraph 5.1 has been updated to reflect relevant income tax rates, bands and credits, USC rates and thresholds in place for 2024.
  • The example in paragraph 5.2 has been updated to reflect the fact that, under rules applying to the collection of tax on share option gains which are realised after 1 January 2024, the gain realised is a notional payment by the employer who is responsible for remitting the income tax, USC and PRSI (if applicable) through the PAYE system.