Revenue eBrief No. 193/24

12 July 2024

Foreign pension lump sums

Tax and Duty Manual Part 07-01-09A -Taxation of foreign retirement lump sums – has been updated as follows:

  • Paragraph 4.1 to include guidance to the effect that when determining the tax-free amount which is available on a foreign pension lump sum, this should take account of the value of all foreign lump sum payments paid on or after 1 January 2023, whether or not such payments are chargeable to Irish tax under section 200A TCA 1997. A new example 8 has also been included.
  • Paragraph 4.3.1 to include guidance that the value of a foreign pension arrangement, as defined in section 200A TCA 1997, is not taken into account for Standard Fund Threshold purposes.
  • The insertion of a new paragraph 12 to provide guidance on Revenue’s treatment of foreign pension lump sums paid to resident taxpayers before 1 January 2023.