When are penalties payable to Revenue?

Fixed penalties

The following is a list of fixed penalties for VAT:

  • Failure to register as an accountable person — €4,000.
  • Failure to charge the VAT and pay VAT over to Revenue — €4,000.
  • Failure to keep proper books and records — €4,000.
  • Failure to comply with invoicing requirements — €4,000.
  • Failure to furnish a quarterly statement of intra-Community supplies (VIES return) to the Revenue Commissioners — €4,000.
  • Assisting in making incorrect returns, invoices, credit notes — €4,000.
  • Failure by a flat-rate farmer to issue an invoice showing the flat-rate addition — €4,000.
  • Issue of a VAT invoice by a non-registered person — €4,000.
  • Unauthorised charge of a flat-rate addition — €4,000.
  • Wilfully obstructing or delaying an officer authorised by the Revenue Commissioners in exercising his or her powers — €4,000.
  • Failure to maintain a capital good record in respect of each capital good — €4,000.
  • Failure to supply a capital good record, where required, on the transfer of a capital good — €4,000.
  • Failure by a participant in the Non-Union OSS Scheme to furnish a quarterly return of supplies made under the scheme — €4,000.
  • Failure by a participant in the Non-Union OSS Scheme to remit tax payable under the scheme for a given quarter — €4,000.
  • Failure by a participant in the Union OSS Scheme to furnish a quarterly return of supplies made under the scheme — €4,000.
  • Failure by a participant in the Union OSS Scheme to remit tax payable under the scheme for a given quarter — €4,000.
  • Preventing or obstructing a person authorised by the Revenue Commissioners to inspect property for the purposes of valuing the property for VAT purposes — €4,000.
  • Where the failures or acts referred to above are carried out by a body of persons, the secretary of the body is liable for the payment of a separate penalty — €4,000.
  • Supplying taxable goods and services in breach of the requirement of security for the protection of the Revenue (Section 109 bond) in respect of each such supply — €4,000.
  • Failure by a payment service provider to keep detailed records of payees and payments for a given quarter — €4,000, plus a further €4,000 for each quarter during which the service provider fails to comply with this obligation.
  • Failure by a payment services provider to make specified records available to Revenue in the prescribed manner — €4,000, plus a further €4,000 for each quarter during which the service provider fails to comply with this obligation.
  • Failure by a payment services provider to retain specified records in electronic format for a period of three years — €4,000.

Next: Penalties for incorrect VAT records