Revenue eBrief No. 137/24

20 May 2024

TDM 04-08-20 Deduction for Retrofitting

A new Tax and Duty Manual - 04-08-20 ‘Deduction for Retrofitting’ has been created to give details about the deduction for retrofitting expenditure in section 97B Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 (TCA). 

A deduction against rental income is available to individual landlords who undertake retrofitting of rented residential premises between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2025, which has been subsidised by an SEAI grant.

The criteria to claim the relief is outlined in the manual. Furthermore -

  • Paragraph 2 outlines when relief is available, how much relief and who can claim.
  • Paragraph 3 details the eligibility requirements.
  • Paragraph 4 describes what happens where these eligible properties are jointly owned.
  • Paragraph 5 indicates the circumstances in which a claw back of relief will occur.