Sports bodies tax exemption

Withdrawal of sports tax exemption

Sports tax exemption will be withdrawn where a sports body is:

  • winding up
  • in liquidation
  • or
  • a limited company and has been dissolved by the Companies Registration Office (CRO).

Revenue will issue written confirmation that tax exemption has been withdrawn.

When might the tax exemption no longer apply?

Revenue may consider that tax exemption no longer applies if your sports body:

  • is not engaging with us. For example, your sports body has an outstanding tax liability, or has not provided accounts or other documentation, as requested
  • is unable to carry out its objective and has ceased activities
  • or
  • where we determine that your sports body is no longer eligible for tax exemption.

In these circumstances, Revenue will issue written notification setting out the reasons why tax exemption may be withdrawn. You will have 21 days to provide supporting documentation in relation to your claim for tax exemption. If, after this process, we determine that the tax exemption can continue, this will be confirmed to you in writing.

Revenue will issue a formal determination withdrawing the tax exemption if, after 21 days:

  • you have not engaged with us
  • you have not provided the requested information
  • or
  • following the receipt of additional information, it remains our belief that the tax exemption should be withdrawn.

Appealing the decision to withdraw tax exemption

You can appeal Revenue’s decision to withdraw tax exemption by appealing directly to the Tax Appeals Commission (TAC). You need to make the appeal within 30 days of the issue of our formal determination.