Drug and tobacco smuggling
Customs Drugs Watch
Ireland's 3,000 kilometres of coastline provides drug smugglers with many opportunities to ply their trade. Revenue's job is to prevent drug smuggling and to apprehend those involved in such activities. We patrol coastal areas and help from coastal communities, maritime personnel and the yachting fraternity is crucial to keeping Ireland safe.

Be on the lookout for the following:
- yachts and other craft sighted in remote areas
- crew making landings in remote areas
- unusual objects at sea, underwater or ashore such as buoys or signalling devices
- merchant shipping at anchor close to land or islands
- ships away from their normal shipping lanes
- ships signalling ashore or being met by small craft
- vessels operating at night without lights.
If you have any information in relation to drug smuggling, please contact:
- the Customs Drug Watch Confidential Freefone 1800 295 295
- or
- e-mail NPC@revenue.ie.
Next: Customs drugs law enforcement