Customer charter
Revenue’s mission is to serve the community by fairly and efficiently collecting taxes and duties and implementing Customs controls.
This hub sets out our Customer Charter, our Principles for Service Delivery and how we will assist customers in managing their tax affairs.
The effective and fair administration of tax and customs law requires Revenue and citizens to recognise certain basic rights and responsibilities. Our Customer Charter sets out mutual expectations in this context. We have also detailed the principles that we will uphold in order to achieve the objectives set out in our Customer Charter and how we will assist you in managing your tax and customs affairs.
The Charter applies equally to anyone engaging with Revenue, whether as a personal customer, business customer, tax agent or customs intermediary. It also applies irrespective of whether you are seeking a service from us or we are engaged in a compliance intervention in relation to your tax or customs affairs.
In the case of compliance interventions the respective rights and responsibilities of Revenue and our customers are set out in detail in our Code of Practice for Revenue Compliance Interventions.
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