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Revenue extends opening hours for its LPT Helpline

Last week, Revenue outlined that its Local Property Tax (LPT) Helpline was extremely busy in advance of the November 7 deadline for filing LPT returns.

In recent days, there has been a further surge in the level of calls made to the LPT Helpline, with the number of daily calls well exceeding 12,000. Additionally, Revenue’s monitoring has identified that, due to the high levels of demand for the LPT Helpline service, around 1,600 property owners have tried to call the LPT Helpline in advance of its opening time over the past number of days.

Today (2/11/2021), Revenue announced that extended opening hours will be in place for its LPT Helpline, from 8.00 to 20.00, on both Wednesday 3 November and Thursday 4 November  2021. Further extended opening hours will be considered later this week should the level of demand for the LPT service remain high. 

Revenue explained that mornings are the busiest time for calls coming through to its LPT Helpline. Property owners that are having difficulties getting through in the morning are asked to please try again later in the day, if they can.

Additionally, Revenue provided advice on the top three reasons property owners are contacting the LPT Helpline:

1. An LPT letter is not required for the purposes of filing an LPT Return
Property owners who have not received a hard-copy letter about their LPT in the post may have received notification into their My Documents folder in myAccount or into their ROS inbox. However, the information in the letter is also available on the property owner’s LPT record and can be viewed when property owners are submitting their LPT Return in myAccount, ROS or the LPT Online Portal.

2. Property owners can self-register their property
If a property is not currently registered with Revenue for LPT, property owners can register it themselves by clicking on the ‘Register New Property’ link on the Property Services Card in myAccount or in the ‘Other Services’ section on the ROS homepage.

3. Changing valuation bands is ok
There is no requirement to contact Revenue where property owners determine that their property falls into a different valuation band than the valuation band indicated on Revenue’s online valuation guide or the valuation band used for the purposes of their Notice of LPT Estimate. Property owners should select the relevant valuation band that applies to the property’s market value, as determined by the property owner, when submitting their LPT Return.

[Ends 2/11/2021]