Freedom of Information (FOI) in Revenue

Can you appeal an FOI decision?

Yes. You can request an internal review of the FOI decision within 20 working days of the date that we issue the decision letter to you, where:

  • you are not satisfied with the internal review decision
  • or
  • you have not received a reply within 20 working days of the receipt of the request. The Act deems this to be a refusal of your request and allows you to seek an internal review.

A more senior officer will carry out the review of your application.  We will notify you of the result of this review within 15 working days of receipt of your internal review request.

You should submit your appeal in writing directly to the Office of the Information Commissioner. Contact details are available in our Contact us section.

Can you appeal the internal review decision?

Yes. You may seek an independent review from the Office of the Information Commissioner within six months of receiving the decision, where:

  • you are not satisfied with the internal review decision
  • or
  • you have not received a reply from us to your internal review request within 15 working days. The Act deems this to be a refusal.

You should submit your appeal in writing directly to the Office of the Information Commissioner.

Next: Enquiries about FOI