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Comprehensive guarantee and guarantee waivers

In general, you must pay duty immediately upon the arrival of goods into the European Union (EU).

The following exceptions exist:

  • You can defer payment of import charges until the fifteenth day of the month following import.
  • Your goods can be held, duty suspended (or unpaid if re-exported), in:
  • If you import goods for specific processing, it may be possible under inward processing to have the duty:
    • suspended
    • or
    • unpaid if the processed product is re-exported. 
  • If you temporarily export goods for processing or repair you may be able to claim total or partial relief from import charges using outward processing.
  • You may be able to import certain goods under temporary admission without paying duty.
  • You can import certain goods at a reduced or zero rate of Customs Duty under end-use. The goods must be used for a specific purpose and within a set time.
  • If you place goods under the transit procedure, you can move these goods nationally and internationally under customs control with duty suspended.

If you wish to avail of the above procedures or facilities, you will need:

  • an authorisation from Revenue
  • and
  • a comprehensive guarantee authorisation to secure against any payment default (only required for outward processing in cases of prior importation). 

If you apply for one of the procedures or facilities, you should submit your application for a comprehensive guarantee authorisation at the same time. This will allow us to process your applications more efficiently. One comprehensive guarantee authorisation can cover several different procedures.

Cash deposit or undertaking

You have the option to provide the guarantee by:

  • cash deposit
  • or
  • an undertaking signed off by a:
    • credit institution
    • financial institution
    • or
    • insurance company

accredited with the Central Bank

In the case of transit, you are not permitted to use a cash deposit.

Reduction or waiver to guarantee amount

You can apply for a reduction or a waiver to the amount of the guarantee if you meet specific criteria regarding:

  • financial solvency
  • compliance with customs rules
  • control of operations
  • and
  • practical standards of competency.

You can apply for a reduction to 30% of the amount of the guarantee for existing customs debt. However, you must have the status of an Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) to apply for this. You will find further information about this in Authorised Economic Operators (AEO).

How to apply for a comprehensive guarantee authorisation

You should apply for your comprehensive guarantee electronically using the Customs Decisions System (CDS).

Further information

If you require further information, please contact the Authorisations and Reliefs Unit.