Temporary admission of goods for examination, analysis or test purposes

You can use the temporary admission procedure to import goods for examination, analysis or test from outside the European Union (EU). If you use this procedure, you will have to provide security or pay your duty on deposit. You can reclaim this when you re-export your goods.

Type of goods you can import

The following may be imported:

  • Goods of any kind subject to tests, experiments or demonstrations.
  • Goods imported, subject to satisfactory acceptance tests in connection with a sales contract.
  • Goods used to carry out tests, experiments or demonstrations without financial gain. These goods must be re-exported within six months.

Rules on temporary admission of goods for examination, analysis or test purposes

There are general rules for temporary admission regarding:

  • goods remaining unchanged
  • identification
  • security
  • time allowed
  • import and re-export procedures
  • prohibitions and restrictions.

You must provide a declaration stating why the goods are being temporarily imported. You must also confirm that goods used to carry out tests, experiments or demonstrations are not being conducted for profit.

Further information

If you require further information, please contact the Authorisations and Reliefs Unit.