Hiring an employee

  1. Overview
  2. Hiring someone who has never worked in the State before
  3. Hiring someone who has worked in the State before

Hiring someone who has worked in the State before


The information included on this page refers to your current obligations. For your obligations before 1 January 2019, please see the Employers' Guide to PAYE.

You should request a Revenue Payroll Notification (RPN) for your new employee. You must operate payroll using the details returned to you in the RPN. On your first payroll submission for that employee, you should include their commencement date.

Applying the emergency basis of taxation

You must tax an employee on an emergency basis where no RPN is available.

This may occur when the employee:

  • does not have a Personal Public Service Number (PPSN)
  • or
  • is not registered for PAYE.

Obtaining an RPN

You are obliged to notify Revenue of any new employee where it is not the employee's first employment in the State. You should include the commencement date on the first payroll submission for that employee.