Ann leaves Ireland on 6 November 2021 at 20.00 to travel to Singapore via London. She arrives in Singapore on 7 November 2021 at 09.00 and remains there until her return to Ireland on 4 December 2021 at 08.00.
On 4 February 2022, she leaves Ireland at 18.00 and arrives in Malaysia at 03.00 on 5 February 2022. She works there until her departure on 10 February 2022 to travel to Ghana. She arrives back in Ireland on 20 February 2022 at 10.00.
Her salary is €170,000 in 2021 and €180,000 in 2022.
Ann has 42 qualifying days in total. This consists of 27 qualifying days in Singapore in 2021 and 15 qualifying days in both Malaysia and Ghana in 2022.
Relief due is:
(27 days × €170,000) ÷ 365 days = €12,575.
As €12,575 is the lesser amount, Ann is allowed to reduce her 2021 salary for Income Tax purposes from €170,000 to €157,425. Ann’s salary for USC and PRSI purposes in 2021 is €170,000.
(15 days × €180,000) ÷ 365 days = €7,397
As €7,397 is the lesser amount, Ann is allowed to reduce her 2022 salary for Income Tax purposes from €180,000 to €172,603. Ann’s salary for USC and PRSI purposes in 2022 is €180,000.