Registering for Residential Zoned Land Tax (RZLT)

  1. Overview
  2. How to register for RZLT
  3. Information required to register for RZLT
  4. Agents for RZLT

Information required to register for RZLT

When registering for RZLT you will need to provide information on the site, including:

  • the address of the site
  • the folio number (if available)
  • the Parcel ID (available on Local Authority maps)
  • size (hectares)
  • LPT Property ID (if applicable)
  • the date site became liable to RZLT, where it is a relevant site
  • the name and Tax Identification Number for each owner
  • and
  • the details of the Designated Liable Person where there are multiple liable persons.

Next: Agents for RZLT