Vacant Homes Tax (VHT) exemptions

Properties actively marketed for sale or rent

If your property is actively marketed for sale or rent you may be exempt from Vacant Homes Tax (VHT).

Properties actively marketed for sale

Actively marketed means a genuine and sustained effort was made to promote the property for sale to potential buyersProperties actively marketed for sale during the chargeable period are exempt from VHT if:

  • the price sought for the property did not exceed its market value (see examples below)
  • and
  • there were no conditions attached to the sale designed to impede a sale.

You must claim an exemption in your VHT Return for each applicable chargeable period.

Properties actively marketed for rent

Actively marketed means a genuine and sustained effort was made to promote the property for rent to potential tenants. Properties actively marketed for rent during the chargeable period may be exempt from VHT if:

  • the rent sought for the property did not exceed market rent
  • and
  • there were no conditions attached to the tenancy designed to impede a tenancy agreement.

You must claim an exemption in your VHT Return for each applicable chargeable period.

Next: Properties subject to certain Court Orders