National Companies Unit (NCU)
Application for statement under section 140 of the Companies Act 2014
Section 137 of The Companies Act 2014 provides that any company, registered with the Companies Registration Office (CRO) must have at least one director resident in the European Economic Area(EEA).
If a company does not have, or is about to lose their last EEA director, the company may submit a €25,000 bond to the CRO. This bond is a payment on account for any potential fines. Fines may be imposed on the company for breaches of the Companies or Tax Consolidation Acts.
A company can apply to the CRO for a certificate of real and continuous links. This is an alternative to lodging a bond. Companies must apply using CRO form B67.
As part of this process, the applicant company must apply separately to Revenue for a statement of real and continuous links. This statement is issued by the National Companies Unit within Revenue.
It must be attached to the form B67 and forwarded to the CRO for processing. Applications for a statement of real and continuous links can be sent to the Revenue National Companies Unit via MyEnquiries (available in ROS or MyAccount).
Applications should include full details on the background to the request, together with supporting documentation, where appropriate.
Next: Company Statement of Particulars