Revenue eBrief No. 057/25

07 March 2025

New Revenue Customer Charter

Revenue has launched our new Customer charter. This Charter re-affirms our continued commitment to providing excellent service to all our customers. It sets outs what customers can expect from Revenue and our expectations of customers in their dealings with us.

The Charter emphasises that our primary service delivery channel is digital. Our digital self-service channels process millions of customer transactions annually, our website provides tax and customs information on a 24/7 basis and in circumstances where customers need to contact us directly, the MyEnquiries channel routes queries to the official best placed to deal with the matter.

The Charter affirms our commitment to transparent accountability, including the publication of regular performance reports on our service delivery.

The Charter also recognises that some customers may, due to their personal circumstances, have difficulty in using our digital services. Our network of Access Officers is there to assist persons with a disability. We also provide virtual and in-person appointments where necessary.