Charitable tax exemption

How to apply for charitable tax exemption

To apply for tax exemption, your charity must be:

You must submit an application through ROS, by following these steps:

  1. Go to the ‘Other Services’ section in the ‘My Services’ tab.
  2. Select ‘Charities and Sports Bodies eApplications’.

Further information on applying for a charitable tax exemption online can be found in Tax and Duty Manual Part 07-01-07.

Charities, except schools with a Roll Number, must attach:

Revenue may request further documentation to support the application.

If you are a school with a Roll Number and are registered for tax, then you only need to provide:

  • a Registered Charity Number issued by the Charities Regulator
  • and
  • details of all trustees.

Revenue will advise you in writing once your application for charitable tax exemption has been approved. The exemption will remain in place unless otherwise advised to you.

Next: Conditions for retaining charitable tax exemption