Traceability and security features system
Extension to 'other tobacco' products
Since 20 May 2019, all cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco have been required to comply with the traceability and security features system.
From 20 May 2024, the systems of traceability and security features have been extended to cover all ‘other tobacco’ products. ‘Other tobacco’ products here refers, but is not limited, to the following products:
- cigars
- cigarillos
- pipe tobacco
- waterpipe tobacco
- novel tobacco products.
Retailers of such products who sell directly to the public and do not:
- store
- distribute
- or
- regularly sell to other retailers
are only required to comply with the obligations available on the retailer obligation page.
Retailers currently engaged in the sale of cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco in addition to ‘other tobacco’ products already comply with the extension of the system. Such retailers need only provide their suppliers of ‘other tobacco’ products with their economic operator and facility identifier codes.
To comply with their obligations under the traceability system, manufacturers, distributors and importers of ‘other tobacco’ products are required to:
- Register with the ID issuer appointed for Ireland.
- Establish a primary repository system in accordance with Article 26 Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574 by concluding a data storage contract with an independent third party.
- Ensure the repository system is compatible with the ID Issuer appointed for Ireland to both request and receive Unique Identifiers in accordance with Article 9 Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574.
- In line with Article 15(7) Directive 2014/40/EU, ensure that all economic operators involved in the trade of tobacco products (from the manufacturer to the last economic operator before the first retail outlet), have the necessary equipment for the recording of tobacco movement.
- Ensure that all economic operators involved in the trade of tobacco products have also registered with the ID issuer appointed for Ireland.
- Ensure that each tobacco product holds a security feature.
For further information, please see the European Commission website.
Information in respect of the security feature requirements is available in Further Guidance.