What is the Automated Export System (AES)?
New process flow to confirm the exit of goods from the EU
AES introduces the following new messages for goods being exported from the European Union (EU):
- The 'Arrival at exit' (IE507) message is lodged at the office of exit of the goods from the EU. This message should be lodged by the trader at exit and should only be lodged in AES where Ireland is the office of exit.
- and
- The 'Exit notification' (IE590) message is lodged by the carrier at exit, after the goods have left the EU. This message must be submitted to Revenue’s AES where an Irish port or airport is the declared office of exit.
The Master Reference Number (MRN) of the export declaration must be included in these two messages.
If the IE507 message has not been lodged, the IE590 message will be rejected by AES.
The MRN Look Up Service allows trade to check the status of MRNs and verify if the IE507 and, or IE590 has been lodged.
The following table shows the information the look up service returns and what that means about the status of the AES declaration:
Air and sea Lift on Lift off (LoLo) carriers
The carrier at exit from Ireland must ensure that only goods that have been released for export by Customs are removed from Customs supervision. Revenue provides an Application Programming Interface (API) which makes it possible to check the status of the declaration when the goods arrive at the airport or port. This API is called the Export Release Verification Service (ERVS).
Export Release Verification Service (ERVS)
The ERVS does the following:
Release verification
Verifies if a MRN is valid and at the status ‘Released’, allowing the carrier or agent to act accordingly.
Arrival confirmation (IE507 – arrival at exit)
Allows the user to notify Revenue that the goods have arrived at the point of exit, fulfilling the arrival at exit requirement.
Departure confirmation (IE590- exit notification message)
Where goods are exiting the EU from an Irish Customs Office, the ERVS will advise the user if an Exit notification message must be lodged. Where an Exit notification message is required, the carrier or agent can use the ERVS to fulfil this requirement.
Where traders use the ERVS, they will not have to submit the following messages as Revenue will re-use the data provided to fulfil these requirements:
- the Arrival at exit message
- and
- the Exit notification message.
You can get further technical information about the ERVS by emailing UCCITDEV@revenue.ie.
Ferry operators
For goods moving to Great Britain, Revenue will re-use the data contained in the Pre-Boarding Notification (PBN) to fulfil the ‘Arrival at exit’ (IE507) message requirement. This will be done when the ferry operators 'check-in' the PBN. Ferry operators should continue to lodge the National Intelligence Management System (NIMS) manifest. Revenue will also re-use data in the PBN and NIMS manifest to fulfil the ‘Exit notification’ (IE590) message requirement.
Where there are discrepancies between what was declared on the export declaration and what is presented at exit, the 'Trader at exit' must lodge the 'Arrival at exit' (IE507) message.
You can find information about the core process flows for AES in Air and LoLo process flows.
Next: Consignments of low value goods