Welcome to our new website
Our aim is to provide the best possible information source for our customers. Key features of the new site include:
- information that is easy to find, easy to read and easy to understand
- a layout that can be properly viewed on any device, from a mobile phone to a desktop.
We want to provide the information you need to meet your tax and duty obligations in as clear and straightforward a way as possible. To this end we consulted with customer focus groups, our own staff, tax practitioners and with representative bodies. We also took account of recent research into how people actually look for and consume online content.
We have radically changed how we present information to help you to:
- scan the content quickly
- access additional or related information, if you require it
- access relevant online services.
We have used plain language throughout and reduced the use of technical terms. We have also made extensive use of examples.
We are committed to providing all of our web pages in Irish. While a number of Irish sections are still in development they will all be available in Irish by the end of the year.
We intend to continuously improve the quality of the information on our new website. You can help us by telling us what you think. A new feedback facility, which is accessible from the footer area of the website enables you to share your views and suggestions with us at the click of a button.