
Meán Fómhair 2024

18 Meán Fómhair 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 244/24 - Budget Excise Duty Rates

17 Meán Fómhair 2024
Rabhadh: Camscéim ríomhphoist is déanaí

Rabhadh: SMS (téacsteachtaireacht) is déanaí

Revenue Museum on Culture Night Dublin

Revenue seize contraband worth over €613,000 in Dublin and Rosslare

Revenue eBrief No. 243/24 - Update to Manual on Customs Control of Aerodromes

16 Meán Fómhair 2024
Inúsáidteacht ROS

Revenue eBrief No. 240/24 - PAYE Services - Manage your Tax

Revenue eBrief No. 241/24 - Jobs and Pension Service

Revenue seize herbal cannabis worth €181,000 in Kilkenny

Revenue eBrief No. 242/24 - Life Assurance Companies - Return of Payments

13 Meán Fómhair 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 239/24 - R&D Corporation Tax Credit - Section 766C and section 766D Pre-filing notification forms

10 Meán Fómhair 2024
Deiseanna gairme

Liosta na mainnitheoirí cánach foilsithe ag na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim

Revenue eBrief No. 237/24 - Outward Processing

Revenue eBrief No. 238/24 - VIES Trader Manual

09 Meán Fómhair 2024
Revenue seize contraband worth over €240,000 in Dublin

06 Meán Fómhair 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 236/24 - Non-Filing of Returns - Prosecution and Penalty Programmes

Revenue seize cocaine and herbal cannabis worth over €1.57 million at Dublin Airport

Revenue seize MDMA worth €60,000 in County Louth

04 Meán Fómhair 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 234/24 - Dependent Relative Tax Credit

Revenue eBrief No. 235/24 - CAT Part 26 Reporting requirements relating to certain interest-free loans

Revenue seize 1.44 million cigarettes in County Meath

02 Meán Fómhair 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 233/24 - Failure to Co-Operate fully with a Revenue Compliance Intervention

Revenue seize contraband worth over €367,000 in Dublin

Lúnasa 2024

30 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 232/24 - Stamp Duty repayment provisions

28 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 230/24 - Exemption from Income Tax in respect of Certain Payments made under Employment Law

Revenue eBrief No. 231/24 - Donations to Approved Sports Bodies

27 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 228/24 - Relief for key employees engaged in Research and Development activities

Revenue eBrief No. 229/24 - Facilities for The Deaf or Customers with Hearing Difficulties

26 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 227/24 - Control and examination of baggage

Revenue seize contraband worth over €718,000 in Dublin, the Midlands and Rosslare

25 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue seize herbal cannabis worth €373,000 at Dublin Airport

23 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 226/24 - Allowances, Expenses and Gratuities payable to Local Authority Chairpersons and Members

22 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 224/24 - MyEnquiries - Access and Registration

Revenue eBrief No. 225/24 - Residential Premises Rental Income Relief

21 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 221/24 - Tax Treatment of Members of the European Parliament

Revenue eBrief No. 222/24 - Health and Well-being Related Benefits

Revenue eBrief No. 223/24 - Income Tax Credits and Reliefs for Individuals Over 65 and Individuals Caring for those Over 65

20 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 219/24 - Employer Provided Vehicles

Revenue eBrief No. 220/24 - Stay and Spend Tax Credit

Revenue seize contraband worth over €7 million in Dublin, the Midlands and Cork

19 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 218/24 - New Stamp Duty Manual – Miscellaneous Acts which contain Stamp Duty Exemptions

Revenue seize alcohol worth €80,000 at Rosslare Europort

18 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue seize herbal cannabis worth €500,000 at Dublin Airport

16 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 217/24 - Revenue Online Service (ROS)

Revenue seize over 9.5 million cigarettes in Rosslare Europort

15 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue seize contraband worth over €390,000 in Dublin and Donegal

13 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 216/24 - Updates to The Administration & Control of Tax Warehouses Manual Part 1 - General Warehousing Provisions

Revenue seize cocaine worth €10.5 million at Dublin Port

12 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 215/24 - Stamp Duty Manual - section 125A SDCA 1999: Levy on authorised insurers

Revenue seize cocaine worth €7.2 million at Rosslare Europort

Revenue seize contraband worth over €16 million in Rosslare

09 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 214/24 - Revisions to Authorisation of Warehousekeepers & Approval of Tax Warehouses Tax and Duty Manual

08 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 211/24 - Income tax return form 2023 - ROS Form 11

Revenue eBrief No. 212/24 - Research and Development (R&D) Corporation Tax Credit: Appointment of expert to assist in audits

Revenue eBrief No. 213/24 - Global Minimum Level of Taxation for Multinational Enterprise Groups and Large-Scale Domestic Groups in the Union - Administration

06 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 210/24 - Updates to Revenue Guide to the Exchange of Information

Revenue seize contraband worth almost €617,000 in Dublin and the Midlands

01 Lúnasa 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 209/24 - C&E Economic Operators Registration Identification (EORI) registration

Iúil 2024

31 Iúil 2024
Revenue seize approximately 9.9 million cigarettes at Rosslare Europort

30 Iúil 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 206/24 - Guidelines on PAYE Assessments

Revenue eBrief No. 208/24 - Accounting for Mineral Oil Tax

Revenue seize 4.675 million cigarettes at Port of Cork

29 Iúil 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 204/24 - Health Expenses-Qualifying Expenses

Revenue eBrief No. 205/24 - Exemptions from CAT

Revenue eBrief No. 207/24 - Capital Acquisitions Tax Manual Part 8 - Valuation Date

Revenue seize contraband worth over €181,000 in Dublin

26 Iúil 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 203/24 - Incapacitated Child Tax Credit

Revenue seize herbal cannabis worth €220,000 in Dublin

25 Iúil 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 202/24 - Mineral Oil Tax (MOT) Rate Changes – 1 August 2024

22 Iúil 2024
Revenue seize chewing tobacco worth €137,500 at Dublin Port

Revenue seize contraband worth almost €516,000 in Dublin and the Midlands

17 Iúil 2024
Public Consultation Notice on Data Sharing Agreement

Revenue eBrief No. 201/24 - The Employers' Guide to PAYE from 1 January 2019

16 Iúil 2024
Revenue seize contraband worth almost €442,000 in Dublin and the Midlands

15 Iúil 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 194/24 - Revenue Guidelines for Determining Employment Status

Revenue eBrief No. 195/24 - Self Assessment: processing/screening of returns for companies in liquidation, death cases and CGT for non-residents

Revenue eBrief No. 196/24 - Capital Acquisitions Tax Manual Part 12- Business Relief

Revenue eBrief No. 197/24 – Capital Gains Tax (CGT) - Disposals within family of business or farm (S599 TCA 1997)

Revenue eBrief No. 198/24 – Guidelines for charging interest on late payment through Revenue Debt Management Systems (DMS) and Fixed Direct Debit Systems

Revenue eBrief No. 199/24 - Stamp Duty Manual - Part 4 Adjudication and Appeals - updated

Revenue eBrief No. 200/24 - Member of State & State Sponsored Committees, Boards, Commissions & other Bodies

12 Iúil 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 189/24 - Special Assignee Relief Programme (SARP)

Revenue eBrief No. 190/24 - Research and Development (R&D) Corporation Tax Credit

Revenue eBrief No. 190/24 - Customs Manual on Import VAT

Revenue eBrief No. 192/24 - Share Schemes

Revenue eBrief No. 193/24 – Taxation of foreign retirement lump sums

11 Iúil 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 188/24 - Update to State Aid Transparency Requirements

10 Iúil 2024
Cannabas luibhe ar luach €990,000 gafa ag na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim ag Aerfort Bhaile Átha Cliath

08 Iúil 2024
Revenue seize contraband worth almost €400,000 in Dublin

Revenue seize herbal cannabis worth €300,000 at Dublin Airport

06 Iúil 2024
Revenue seize herbal cannabis worth €6,860,000 in Dublin

02 Iúil 2024
Revenue eBrief No. 182/24 - Charitable Tax Exemption

Revenue eBrief No. 184/24 - Certificates of Discharge

Revenue eBrief No. 186/24 - Non-resident Landlord Withholding Tax

Revenue eBrief No. 187/24 - Payment and receipt of interest and royalties without deduction of income tax

01 Iúil 2024
Rabhadh: Glaonna gutháin bréagacha

Revenue eBrief No. 179/24 - Returns by Employers in Relation to Reportable Benefits - Enhanced Reporting Requirements (ERR)

Revenue eBrief No. 180/24 - Ex-Gratia Magdalen Laundry Payments