Updating your personal details

Updating your email address

You can update your email address on myAccount by following the instructions below:

  1. Sign into myAccount.
  2. Select 'My Profile' and then 'My Details' on the dropdown options or click 'My Profile' in the 'Manage My Record' section.
  3. Click 'Edit' under the 'Contact Details' section.
  4. Input your up-to-date email address and select 'Save changes'. 
  5. Type in your password and click 'Submit'.

You can update your email address on the Revenue Online Service (ROS) by following the instructions below:

  1. Sign into ROS on the 'Administrator digital certificate'.
  2. Update the ROS administrator email address on the 'Profile' tab.
  3. Click on 'Show' to expand the list of secondary email addresses and ensure that they are all updated.
  4. Click 'Save' at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Enter your password and then click 'Sign and Submit'. 

Please note that if you use both ROS and myAccount, you may need to update your email address on both systems. 

If you are a ROS user and you have registered multiple email addresses, you can select a priority email address. You can set the priority email address through the 'Admin Services' tab in the 'Manage MyEnquiries' section of ROS. Please note that only one email address can be selected as a priority email at a time. If you have only one email address registered, it is automatically selected as the priority email address.

Next: Updating your civil status