Updating your personal details

Updating your bank details

To update your bank account details, you will need: 

  • the name and address of the financial institution where you hold the account
  • the account holder name(s) of the account
  • the International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
  • and
  • the Bank Identifier Code (BIC). 

You can find your IBAN and BIC on your bank account statement or on your online banking service.

You can update your bank details on myAccount by following the instructions below:

  1. Sign into myAccount.
  2. Select 'My Profile' and then 'My Details' on the dropdown options or click 'My Profile' in the 'Manage My Record' section.
  3. Click 'Edit' under the 'Bank details' section.
  4. Input your up-to-date bank details and select 'Save changes'.
  5. Type in your password and click 'Submit'. 

You can update your bank details on the Revenue Online Service (ROS) by following the instructions below:

  1. Sign into ROS.
  2. On the 'My Services' page, click on 'Manage Bank Accounts'.
  3. Follow the steps provided to update your bank account details. 

This will update your bank account details for ROS Debit Instructions, Direct Debit Instructions (both fixed and variable) and refunds. 

You can update your bank details for multiple taxheads at the same time. You can also use the same bank detatils to receive refunds or repayments. 

In respect of your Local Property Tax (LPT) taxhead, through the LPT online system you can:

  • update your bank account details
  • manage your payments 
  • or 
  • change your payment method.

For further information, please see Changing your bank details for LPT. 

To access your account on the LPT online system, you will need a Property ID, Personal Public Service Number (PPSN) and PIN. 

If you have an active Phased Payment Arrangement (PPA), you must also change the bank details within the PPA. For further information, please see PPA consolidation and amendments

Next: Updating your email address